Monday, July 14, 2008

Pictures of Cabo! Darby Family Vacation.

Every year the Darby clan goes on a family vacation. This year was Cabo!!! We always try to choose somewhere we've never been or haven't been for quite awhile. This is one of the "never been to" places. We stayed at an all-inclusive resort (meaning eat as much as you can until your bathing suit becomes a tourniquet) . It was similar to a cruise, without the boat. They had nightly shows and different themed dinners.
Our days mainly went like this: Wake up at . . .whenever. Get dressed in bathing suit. Go eat breakfast. Swim in pool, waterpark or beach. Eat lunch. Take nap. Swim. Eat dinner. Watch show or live music. Go to bed. Repeat for 7 days.
We did a couple of extra things like a boat ride to Los Cabos, snorkeling, and explored downtown Cabo. It was so fun just to be with family day in and day out. Boston got used to this schedule fairly quickly. He also became very popular with the ladies. He loved to flirt with the lounge singer and would usually be the only one on the dance floor dancing. Than he met Paige. She was about 14. After his first dance with her, he followed her all over the place. At the pool, at dinner, etc. Then he met a girl from England. She worked there and took him on a congo line and he danced with her for a bit. I'm sure Paige was ok with that. I think he partied more than anyone else. Can't wait to see what's in store next year!!!!


Anonymous said...

The slide show was FANTASTIC!! Boston is looking so big and grown up. your mom and dad looked very sweet (I miss them :() The hairy back guy kind of creeped me out... EEEEWWWWWWEEEEE!!!!!! Glad you all had fun, you deserve it.

Ann Marie said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos! Aren't vacations the BEST?! Glad you guys got some R&R!

Nate and Tasha said...

Boston is quite the ladies man. Starting off so early, your hands are going to be full in about 10 yrs! The trip looked amazing, so relaxing and I must say I wouldn't mind all you can eat food. My favorite pic is Boston with the 'dahling' face. He has soooo many expressions!