Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Bananaslugs or the Fighting Artichokes?

Below is a list of the top 10 worst school mascots. I thought this was so funny because I'm constantly asking Jeremiah what a Buckeye is or why Stanford has a tree on their uniforms. My high school was the Manzano Monarchs and everyone thought it was a butterfly, but it was a Lion - like in king of the jungle- and monarch being a king. Confusing, I know.

1. The Anteaters (UCI): Such an honorable and brave animal. Everyone should want to be an anteater.

2. The Bananaslugs (UCSC): Does anyone even know what a Bananaslug IS?

3. Crimson (Harvard): … that’s like, a color, right?

4. The Fighting Artichokes (Scottsdale Arizona Community College): As if they weren’t already feeling down that they are at a community college; they had to make their mascot a fighting VEGETABLE?

5. Hawaii Rainbow Warrior (Hawaii): This one goes without explanation. We know Hawaii has lots of rainbows, but rainbows aren’t for beating and winning! They are for leprechauns and Care Bears.

6. Beavers (Oregon State): Come on, bite that wood!

7. Violets (NYU): What’s with all the smarty pants and their colors? Harvard Crimson and NYU Violets? Are these people too busy studying to pick out a tangible mascot?

8. Volunteers (University of Tennessee): While it’s honorable, it’s also lame.

9. Lord Jeffs (Amherst): Yes, we thought it was a joke too. Amherst has the oldest athletic program in the nation. Doesn’t that mean they could have picked the COOLEST mascot because no one else had one yet? And they picked the Lord Jeffs. Tragic.

10. Mule Riders (Southern Arkansas): We weren’t even aware that people still rode mules. Do they? In Southern Arkansas, maybe.


Nadine said...
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Nadine said...

Actually, the University of Hawaii is known as the UH Rainbows, probably because it rains so Much in Manoa, you see a rainbow just about everyday. The Warrior part represents the guys teams. The womens teams are not the Rainbow Warriors, they're the Rainbow Wahine. But I think coach jones didn't like the Rainbow part being attached to Warrior for the football team, so they're the UH Warriors. But we all still yell "GO BOWS!" (at least at the last football game I went to here at USC they were).

Kim said...

Hey jessica. Your blog is so hilarious. I am always asking why college teams have ridiculous mascots aswell. I have to say though, that I hate the anteaters. Long story short ... I just don't like them. :) No offense to alum ... it seriously is the worst mascot.

Ann Marie said...

I agree with Kim - Anteaters is pretty sorry. I have always thought that Bananaslugs was pretty funny though. I mean, c'mon, if you apply to attend Santa Cruz, then you know what you'll "become" - Guess it's one of the reasons I never applied!

Jessica said...

It never occurred to me that applying for a certain school does commit you to their mascot and saying things like- "I was a bananaslug". That could be a very good deterrant for not applying to that school. Ann Marie, I'm glad that you don't have to say that!!! The Anteater is pretty bad!