Sunday, November 16, 2008

"Fun Tag"

Ok, I was tagged by Jay to post the 4th picture of the 4th folder in my photo album. So, here it is. This is a picture of Jeremiah and I at "Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel" in Las Vegas on our first wedding anniversary renewing our vows. We wanted to renew with Elvis. We went to Goodwill and bought the ugliest, 80's/trailer park outfits we could find and called some friends to meet us there, but they had to dress as bad as we were. I was 5 months pregnant with a skin tight, royal blue, sequined dress from the 80's and knee high snake skin boots. Miah had his shirt opened all the way in front exposing his full array of hairy chest. After the ceremony, we all went to dinner at a nice restaurant in a limo. Anyone have any fun ideas for our upcoming 4th anniversary???

I tag Tasha, Mibi, Erin and Erica.

Jeremiah's 30 day Refugee Diet.

As some of you know, Jeremiah is doing a 30 day refugee diet. He started on November 1st, which puts him at the halfway point today. I just wanted to congratulate him and let him know how incredibly proud I am of him for his dedication and compassion. He never ceases to amaze and astound me with his pure heart. Thank you for being an inspiration to me and helping me be a better person just by who you are.

Here is a picture of what Jeremiah eats on a daily basis.

(As posted on the website

For most in the United States, November is a month to give thanks. On Thanksgiving Day, we gather at our homes and enjoy great food and the company of loved ones. Refugees in and from Darfur have been deprived of a home; many of their loved ones have been killed; and they lack enough of the basics, such as food and water. In solidarity with all of the displaced from Darfur, SGN teammate Jeremiah Forest will participate on a month-long fast, matching his diet to the ones of refugees we have recently visited in the desert. Miah will write daily journals and regularly upload pictures and video, sharing his experience.

Cracked Wheat - Daily, 7 oz. (weight not volume) (686 Calories)
Farina Wheat Cereal - Daily - 1.17 oz (weight not volume) (123 Calories)
Yellow Split Peas - Daily 1/6 Cup (82 Calories)
Oil - Daily 2.4 TSPNs (96 Calories)
Sugar - Daily 2 TSPNs (30 Calories)
Salt - Daily 1/10 Teaspoon per day.

Total of 1,017 Calories

You can follow his and Eric's diet journey on their journal postings and videos at

Happy clips!!

Well, not really "happy". Boston had a "haircut date" with Kalli. Kalli did great and came out with the cutest haircut. Boston. . . well, he did not enjoy the experience and you can see it on his face.

YAY!!! Haircut time.

Let's get a close up on that face. Even with the dinosaurs and candy, Boston is still scowling.

Mom tried her hand at combing B's hair to help him get comfortable.

"Just get this over with".

Mom: Look Boston, Kalli is getting her haircut too. She's having fun!!!
Boston's thoughts: Seriously mom, I can't believe you think this is fun. Just hurry please.

Hairstylist: Look, I have a blue and yellow balloon, which one do you want. Balloons are fun!!!
Boston: Fine, whatever. Try and bribe me. It's not going to work.

Balloons are way more fun when they're blown up. Here, let me show you.

Phew. . . finally it's over. Let me enjoy my sucker in peace.

Irvine Park Railroad

We just discovered this place and went for the Pumpkin Patch. We decided to go back and check out the rest of the park with our friends. It has a train ride, paddle boats, hiking and biking trails, a duck pond, playground, and even a small zoo. It was a nice way to spend a Saturday afternoon. We even got leftover goody bags from Halloween with lots of candy. Tasha and I raided the candy bowl more than once (don't tell).

Chuga Chuga Choo Choo

All Aboard. . .

The dad's helping the kids get a better view of the beaver. We saw a bear, fox, a couple of donkeys running around their enclosure playing, but then I think it turned into a little brawl (never seen that before), and a hawk eating it's dinner. You could hear the crunching of the bones as it pecked at the mouse (yuck) and lots of other animals. We weren't expecting much for $2, but definitely got our money's worth.

It's a two headed ghost. . .

Kalli found out how multi-functional Miah can really be.

A random picture taken a couple of days before at one of our favorite parks.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Halloween '08

We went to Oak street in Laguna Beach with some friends. It's a GREAT place to Trick or Treat. They close down the streets and almost all of the houses are decorated (and I mean DECKED OUT). There are so many great costumes. Boston overdosed on candy and was running in circles and falling down by the end of the night. Good thing it's only once a year.

The Harvest Festival. This was such a fun event and everything was FREE. Hot Dogs, Taco Bell, In and Out, Kettle Corn, Balloons, lots of kid rides and games. . . We came here after trick or treating with the Fischer's and met up with the Savages. Thanks for making this Halloween so great!!!

B on the swing ride!

Boston and his princesses and ballerina.

Jeremiah and Jess at a couple's Halloween party. What a fun night!!!!

Boston put on his infant goggles and then kept asking for a "suit". I found this "suit" and he put it on and ran around the house really fast. We think he wanted to be like Dash in The Incredibles and needed a Super Suit to go with his mask. Cutie boy.

Princess Bostonella- This was B's back up costume. Whenever he goes to his friend, Kalli's, house, they both dress up as princesses. Boston asks to dress up at least twice a week. I wasn't sure if he would wear the pirate costume, so I had my friend bring her princess costume as a backup. We are hoping this is only a phase and will not last very long. (Kalli's dad photoshopped makeup on him in this photo just to rub it in). B never ceases to amaze me.

Pumpkin Patch X2

YAY for pumpkin patches. Here's some pics of some fun patches of pumpkins we went too. 

Boston and Kalli climbing the mound O' punkins.

The favorite of all rides. All Aboard!!!

B and Kalli always come up with some kooky game. This must be jumpin pumpkin.

Just right.

Here we are at the Irvine Railway Pumpkin Patch. An attempt at a family picture. 

B and Chloe rearranging the patch. 

In the hay maze with Chloe and Emi (right after Emi and B ran into each other which resulted in Emi's first black eye - sorry Emi). 

B is running away from Dad in the maze. 

Weird experimental creatures.

Even weirder experimental creatures.

Look at my muscles!!!!

The coolest train ride ever. . .